Old Fashioned Word for the Flu
Topic vocabulary in dissimilarity
A Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.
one. My doc said I have to stay in bed and gave me a … for some medicine. 2. You must give me the … for that wonderful chocolate cake you lot made! | prescription recipe |
three. Many rock stars seem to end up in drug … . 4. Do you lot think a … for cancer will e'er be found? 5. My grandma uses an old-fashioned … for her arthritis. | remedy cure therapy |
six. I lifted my shirt so the medico could … my chest. 7. Police have begun to … the break-in at the hospital. | examine investigate |
viii. My mum'south thinking of having an … to have her nose straightened. 9. Dr Key told the onetime human being that he needed … on his leg. | operation surgery |
x. My arm is really … and I can't move it. xi. Mind you lot don't … yourself! Oh, likewise late. Sorry. 12. I had a really bad … in my foot so I decided to see a doctor. | pain sore hurt |
В Circle the correct word.
i. Tim looks really stake and thin / slim. I'm worried he might be sick.
2. It's of import to swallow a fit / healthy diet with lots of vegetables.
3. After picking the flowers, I noticed I had a fever / rash all over my hands.
4. When I broke a rib, I had to wear a bandage / plaster around my chest.
5. Make sure you wash your cut properly and so that you don't become a/an infection / pollution.
half-dozen. Half an hour after taking the pill, I began to feel the results / effects.
seven. The doctor walked forth the ward / clinic, chatting to all the patients she passed.
viii. Two people have been slightly injured / damaged in an accident on the M1.
9. Information technology'south good for children to get minor diseases / illnesses, such as colds.
x. The medicine bottle said the recommended dose / gear up was 2 teaspoons twice a solar day.
Phrasal verbs
С Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that information technology has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write betwixt two and five words in each gap.
1. Dan couldn't piece of work because he defenseless the flu. down
Dan came down with the flu , which meant he couldn't piece of work.
ii. If you smoke, then stopping can really ameliorate your health. up
If you ___________ you'll actually improve your health.
three. We asked the vet to impale the domestic dog to stop her suffering any longer. put
We asked the vet ___________ to stop her suffering whatever longer.
4. I don't really have enough energy to play tennis. up
I don't actually ___________ tennis.
5. Is it true that getting wet can cause a cold? on
Is it true that getting moisture tin can ___________ a cold?
half dozen. The flu epidemic started of a sudden in June and lots of people got ill. out
Lots of people got ill when the flu epidemic ___________ in June.
D Write a phrasal verb in the right form to replace the words in bold.
ane. Gill slowly came circular/to after the functioning. (became conscious)
2. My dad is trying to ___________ on smoking. (exercise less)
iii. I think the medicine is beginning to ___________ (stop being effective)
4. Neb decided that he needed to keep a diet later on ___________ weight, (gaining)
v. It was and then hot in the stadium that a number of people ___________ . (became unconscious)
half-dozen. I finally ___________ the cold that I had had all week. (recover from)
7. Nosotros thought we were going to lose our horse when he got ill, but he managed to
___________ . (survive)
8. My dentist told me to ___________ my teeth. (have care of)
Phrases and collocations
E Choose the correct answer.
1. Permit me … you a nice warm bath and you'll feel a lot better.
A make В run С get D build
2. When the snake bit Mike in the woods, he knew he was … serious danger.
A to В with С on D in
3. Being … an injection wasn't as painful as I thought it was going to exist.
A given В done С fabricated D taken
4. Hullo? Aye, I'd like to … an engagement for tomorrow with Dr Fletcher, please.
A form В do С break D make
5. My granddad's over 95 and is … pretty poor health these days.
A on В to С with D in
six. I was told to … the medicine three times a day, earlier meals.
A take В swallow С get D do
7. I like to … fit by going to the gym at least twice a week.
A go along В make С proceed D set
eight. Eat your vegetables. They'll … you good.
A make В get С have D practise
9. The central to losing weight is to … more exercise.
A get В make С go D create
10.You should try to … an alternative to all those sugary snacks you consume.
A make В find С take D practise
xi. I'm going to make a real effort to get … shape for the summer.
A on В to С in D from
12. Endeavour spreading something low fat … your breadstuff instead of butter.
A in В through С around D on
Give-and-take patterns
F Lucifer to brand sentences.
i. Information technology is said that people who eat poorly are likely… 2. Did you know that you tin have your eyes operated… 3. I'thousand getting really tired of… iv. Why don't yous endeavor… 5. It actually is worth… | A on with lasers these days? В going to the gym more oft? С losing a bit of weight. D telling my dad to surrender smoking. E to have health problems later on in life. |
G Water has damaged part of this text most the drug problem. Read information technology and determine what you lot think each of the original words was. Write the words in the blank spaces.
THE DRUG Trouble
Many people today are worried ________ drugs. ц seems that more 1________
and more than people are condign addicted ________ substances, such as 2________
heroine and cocaine, that impairment their wellness. But what leads ________ 3________
people condign addicts? What makes someone inject a drug ________ 4________
their veins? Is it because of their disability to cope ________ problems in 5________
their everyday lives? One matter is for sure. When we complain ________ 6________
the problems caused by hard drugs, we demand ________ remember that 7________
people suffer ________ all kinds of wellness bug caused past legal 8________
drugs, such every bit alcohol and tobacco. Nosotros would all benefit ________ more than 9________
education and the government should attempt ________ make sure we 10________
all know the risks involved.
Word formation
H Complete the sentences by irresolute the grade of the give-and-take in capitals when this is necessary.
one. Nigh people seem to be ___________ of the harmful furnishings of their diet. (AWARE)
2. I'm ___________ to peanuts and so I have to be very careful what I eat. (ALLERGY)
3.Jade's ___________ turned out to be much more serious than anyone imagined. (Ill)
4. Did you lot know Commonwealth of australia has the highest number of ___________ species of snake? (POISON)
five. After a couple of weeks, the plaster bandage on my leg became really ___________ and I couldn't wait to take it off. (Condolement)
half-dozen. I was really impressed past the ___________ levels of all the athletes. (FIT)

vii. Luckily,Ted's ___________ weren't serious. (Hurt)
8. Working out can really ___________ your muscles. (Strong)
I Use the word given in capitals at the stop of each line to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.
These days, it seems in that location'due south an (1) _________ for everything. Whether yous OPERATE
want something made smaller or you want to (2) _________ your best Accent
features, you can bet that plastic (3) _________ claim to take the solution. SURGERY
We at BodySculpt know, though, that y'all don't want the (4) _________ COMFORT
associated with surgery. But you can't enjoy the (5) _________ effects BENEFIT
without going nether the knife, tin can you? Yep! No need for (half-dozen) _________ SURGERY
procedures with a long (vii) _________ menstruum! Our unique service consists RECOVER
of a series of (8) _________ that will give you lot the results yous've ever INJECT
wanted! Telephone call now and speak to one of our (9) _________ . OPERATE
UNITS xiii and fourteen Review 7
A Utilise the word given in capitals at the end of each line to course a word that fits in the gap in the same line.
Have you always heard of scorpion fish? I was completely (1) _________ AWARE
they existed until I trod on one in the bounding main. I tin can't (2) _________ plenty Accent
how painful it was! The fish has a fasten which gives you an (3) _________ INJECT
of a (4) _________ substance. It's not dangerous, merely y'all brainstorm to experience Poison
extremely (v) _________ and the pain only gets worse and worse. Luckily, COMFORT
there was a md on the beach - she was a (half-dozen) _________ at the local SURGERY
hospital - and she told me what the best (seven) _________ was. I had to bathe TREAT
my foot in warm, salty water then apply an ammonia-based solution.
After my holiday, my foot still seemed to be a little infected, so my local
GP gave me a (eight) _________ for antibiotics. Unfortunately, it turned out PRESCRIBE
I was (nine) _________ to them, so I came out in a red rash all over my torso. ALLERGY
It was over a week before I had made a complete (10) _________ RECOVER
(1 mark per answer)
В Complete the 2nd judgement using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first judgement. Write between two and five words in each gap.
11. Thankfully, Adrian doesn't demand to have an operation. no
Thankfully, ……. to accept an functioning.
12. The government minister had to resign because of ill health. led
Ill health _____________________ resignation.
thirteen. You won't benefit from seeing the doctor if y'all've just got a cold. worth
It _____________________ the doctor if you lot've just got a common cold.
14. I'm seeing the nutritionist at iii tomorrow. engagement
I've _____________________ the nutritionist at three tomorrow.
15. I don't want to be a vegan any more! tired
I _____________________ a vegan!
sixteen. Your arm probably won't heal earlier the lucifer on Saturday. unlikely
You arm _____________________ heal earlier the match on Saturday.
17. I wish I could do a hundred printing-ups in one get. able
I'd love _____________________ a hundred press-ups in ane become.
18. Do you retrieve I should reduce the amount of chocolate I swallow? on
Do y'all recollect I should _____________________ chocolate?
(i mark per answer)
С Write a phrasal verb in the correct form to supercede the words in bold.
xix. Dan's ……. flu, so he can't come to work today. (started to endure from)
20. It took Shirley a long time to … the death of her hamster. (recover from)
21. Many people feel sick when they ….. after a general anaesthetic. (regain consciousness)
22. It was and then hot and stuffy, I nearly ….. . (all of a sudden lost consciousness)
23. Fern'due south ….. a lot of weight recently. (gained)
24. Disease is more likely to ….. in areas of extreme poverty. (all of a sudden start)
25. I don't know what'southward been ….. my terrible headache. (causing)
26. My granddaddy'southward decided to ….. red meat completely. (stop eating)
(2 marks per answer)
D Choose the correct answer.
27. I ….. take joined a gym just in the end I decided to practise at home.
A must В could
С will D may
28. 'I've been feeling under the weather recently.' – 'Yous ..… more than practice.'
A should become В should have got
С would get D would have got
29. 'It was hard work getting dorsum from the hospital with my leg in plaster.'
'You should … me. I'd have picked you upwardly.'
A phone call В be calling
С have called D have been calling
xxx. ….. write with your left hand when you bankrupt your arm?
A Did you lot had to В Did you have to
С Needed you to D Must you lot
31. Y'all ….. take huge muscles to expect skilful, you know!
A don't have to В mustn't
С tin can't D shouldn't
32. That ….. be Ted at the door. He's in bed with chicken pox (ветряная оспа).
A hasn't to В oughtn't to
С mustn't D can't
33. Y'all must ….. thrilled when the doctor said it wasn't serious.
A be В have been
С exist being D have been being
34. 'Colin'southward got to stay in bed for viii weeks.' – 'I'd detest to do that.'
A volition take to В must
С have to D will
(1 mark per respond)
E Choose the correct reply.
35. The doctor ….. the cutting on my knee and said it had completely healed up.
A investigated С examined
В researched D looked into
36. Dr Parker gave my mum a lovely ….. for spaghetti carbonara.
A recipe С receipt
В prescription D paper
37. My feet are ….. I estimate my new shoes are a bit tight.
A hurt С ache
В pain D sore
38. I was shocked when I crashed the machine, but at least I wasn't
A injured С broken
В damaged D spoilt
39. Diana looks terribly ….. . Y'all don't think she'south sick, do you?
A slim С slender
В thin D slight
40. Some drugs produce bad side ….. .
A consequences С results
В products D effects
41. I was very sad when the vet said he'd have to ….. Gertie, our labrador.
A put downwards С experience up to
В pull through D wear off
42. Going on this diet has actually ….. me skillful. I've lost weight and I feel fantastic!
A made С done
В taken D had
(ane mark per answer)
Full: ….. / l

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